1. Building and modernizing the track structure:
- building new tracks and turnouts;
- modernization of existing sectors of railway lines (sidings) - replacement of the track structure combined with modernization of the track geometry layout;
- modernization of geometry system of the rail coupling - replacement of turnouts and track crossings;
- building and modernization of railway/road crossings.
2. Running repairs and maintenance of the track structure:
- mechanical cleaning of the breakstone ballast;
- mechanical track and turnout tamping with plane and profile regulation;
- replacement of individual elements of the track structure;
- corrections of fixing quality of the track structure elements;
- running repairs and maintenance of railway/road crossings;
3. Building and modernization of the subgrade:
- building of the subgrade of the new built sections of the railway lines and sidings;
- modernization of the subgrade of existing railway lines sections and sidings and in particular.
4. Building and modernization of dewatering system of the subgrade:
- building new and modernization of existing dewatering lines (ground ditches, protected ditches, drainages, drain collectors, collectors);
- reconstruction and reinforcement of the slopes.
5. Full range of earthwork (embankments, excavations)
6. Running repairs and maintenance as well as periodical inspection of buildings of the railway infrastructure