The company performs full recovery of junctions, details and facilities, including all necessary mechanic and thermal processing, finishing of surfaces and other necessary operations. By wish of client, we offer installation and additional transport of defected and repaired details and junctions to and from the production location of the company in the town of Varna.
The presence of mobile emergency group and workshop allows making of repairs all over the territory of the country at minimum term and stay of failed machines and facilities .
The company gives one year guarantee on all junctions and details made and repaired by it.
The necessary quality is achieved and guaranteed through: :
- Application of modern western technologies and methods of repair;
- The use of high qualified welders and technologists;
- Use of mainly western equipment: sources, half – automates and other equipment – production (Messer Griesheim, ESAB, Kampi etc.);
- Use of western consumables and electrodes of companies of good name like Beoler, Castolin, Sandvic etc.
- Full 100 % control for defects on made welds: preliminary obligatory laboratory analysis of material; use of western ultrasound defectometers “Forster-Defectometer H 2.835 – Institute Dr. Forster”; reactives MR 68 Penetrant – Dye penetrant and developers MR 70 Entwickler – Developer for colour defectoscopy etc.
- Control of the mounting of recovered junctions and details from specialists of the company